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Do your investigators struggle to capture quality data at the key stages of an investigation?

COMET Expert comes into play at the kick-off point of an investigation, providing investigators with useful prompts and guidance, accessible from a mobile device, to help build a comprehensive SID:Grid during the COMET DISCOVER phase.

Imagine having an experienced investigator or a subject matter expert on hand from the outset, to guide and advise on all aspects of scene management, data collection and witness interviews…well COMET Expert provides this.

Most organisational investigators are not experts in this field and carry out investigations occasionally as part of a wider role. So why not help enable them to do the very best they can at the point of need?

Expert guidance at your fingertips

Ensure organisational investigators capture key investigation information in the DISCOVER phase.

COMET Expert being used on a smartphone
Expertise second to none
COMET Expert has been created utilising over 300 years of investigative experience and  heritage concentrated into a single app.
COMET Expert being used on a smartphone
Expert across many fields
Includes a range of off-the-shelf and bespoke data gathering templates to ensure nothing is missed.
COMET Expert being used on a smartphone
Gather data in live time
A mobile friendly application, allowing you to gather data while on site and in real time.
COMET Expert data being used to create a detailed SID Grid
No double handling data
Data captured feeds directly into the DISCOVER phase of your investigation, helping build detailed and comprehensive SID:Grids.
COMET Expert being used on a smartphone
Aligned to COMET Methodology
Aligned with the COMET Methodology - DISCOVER ANALYSE ACTION, to ensure a data-rich investigation can be created.
Assigning preventive Actions in COMET
Contextual Actions
Provides contextual preventive actions unique to each root cause you identify.

Want to see COMET Expert in action?

Book a 60-minute personalised demo session with one of our COMET team members.

What our clients think

Helped us reduce first aid cases by 29%

"When we adopted COMET, we were looking for a root cause analysis tool that would help us identify underlying causes before they lead to incidents. Since adopting the tool, COMET has helped us reduce first aid cases by 29% in the last year, contributing to Corning’s best-ever safety record in 2022.

On top of this, the support from the COMET team cannot be underestimated – they are always on-hand to resolve any issues in a timely and efficient manner. I would highly recommend COMET and the STC INSISO team to anyone looking for an audit and investigation tool."

Guillermo Castillo, Global EHS Leader – OCS Division at Corning Inc.
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COMET helped us understand the systemic root causes

"The main value to LR of adopting COMET is the newfound organisational leadership education and enlightenment as to the reasons behind incident types, particularly  those which hurt us most in terms of frequency. A recent example was repeat microsleep incidents affecting our surveyors. COMET helped us understand the systemic root causes and gave the Board sufficient confidence to invest over £2 million in a preventive action programme which is already bearing fruit in terms of this type of incident reduction."

James Pomeroy,
Group Director HSEQ at Lloyds Register
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We’re maximising its value across the business

"Viridor is a relatively recent adopter of the COMET RootApp tool but is already beginning to really reap the rewards of a first class investigation system.
We’re maximising its value across the business through consistency of approach and ensuring we really do get to the root cause of our incidents so we can set the right actions to prevent recurrence.

The STC team has been hugely helpful and supportive in getting this new process implemented."

Richard Robinson,
Head of SHQS at Viridor
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Probably the best root cause analysis process and toolkit

"Probably the best root cause analysis process and toolkit. But beyond enabling us to adequately identify root causes, COMET also allows us to track trends using the root cause codes to help address systemic opportunities in our management system."

Bertrand Piredda, Director of HSES Cummins Power Systems
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Feels more like a partnership

"Borr Drilling adopted COMET across the business in 2017/2018 and since then our relationship and trust with the STC INSISO COMET team has grown immensely.

Any issues are quickly resolved or addressed and a feature of the relationship I enjoy most is that it feels more like a partnership than that of a more traditional vendor/client arrangement."

Thomas Sunde, QHSE Director at Borr Drilling
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Positive and encouraging feedback

"STC INSISO recently delivered the 3-day COMET practitioner course to GSK R&D (UK) engineering and safety professionals.

The COMET team created a bespoke course that was well received by GSK R&D with lots of positive and encouraging feedback."

Ray Duffy, EHS Manager - Projects & Engineering at GSK
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