The Challenge
Fostering the improvement of leadership skills among frontline supervisors and managers in the construction industry.

The Solution
A custom supervisory development program, Supervision Transformed.

The Results
- Implementation of a best practice learning package tailored to the industry
- Train the Trainer program enabling BCM to be self-sufficient
- 45 delegates to be trained in the coming months

BCM Construction Ltd. is a leading principal contractor for infrastructure projects in the rail and transportation industries. Recognised as specialists within the UK transport sector, BCM identified that inadequate training for front line construction industry supervisors and managers was negatively affecting performance.

The company collaborated with COMET to create a training program delivering the latest supervisory and leadership skills. Having worked together previously, COMET was chosen for its expertise in efficiently designing, developing, and rolling out successful leadership programs globally.

Over four months, COMET and BCM’s industry experts developed Supervision Transformed, a program designed not only to teach new skills and tools but also to instill confidence in individuals to apply them effectively.

Supervision Transformed comprises three, two-day modules of interactive classroom or virtual workshops, based on COMET’s proven Listen, Do, Discuss, Action approach to inspire delegates to reach their full potential:

Listen – Short trainer-led presentations on specific topics
Do – Group and individual activities using company-specific data for context
Discuss – Open discussions on issues raised from the learning and activities
Action – Development of actions, suggestions, and questions for improvement

Additionally, BCM participated in COMET’s established Train the Trainer program, enabling selected BCM personnel to become internal Supervision Transformed trainers.

BCM is now rolling out Supervision Transformed to all front line managers. The program includes unique Transformed graduation for those completing all three modules, ongoing support, tools, processes, and opportunities for cross-industry learning through peer and customer business interaction. Courses are scheduled regularly, with options for bespoke in-house programs.