The Challenge

Continuously developing and maintaining an online CMS is a significant challenge in the oil and gas industry. It is essential to ensure that the workforce is highly competent in high-risk, high-hazard industries.

The Solution

To address this challenge, COMET developed 'Athena', a cloud-based CMS equipped with built-in assessments and verifications.

The Results

Athena has the capability to upload video footage for remote assessments, identify leadership, track training, and transition to renewable energy sources. COMET's deep understanding of technology and business processes enabled them to define the optimal solution for this common challenge. With a strong emphasis on modern design, improved user experience, and top-notch development, their technical expertise proved to be invaluable. Throughout 2020, both companies collaborated closely to bring the product to the market, culminating in its official launch in October 2020.

Jamie Murphy, Managing Director of Namaka Compliance, said: “During my experience working with various companies in the Oil and Gas sector, many were still using paper-based systems to monitor ongoing competence assessments. As the industry embraces digitalisation, products like ‘Athena’ will be key to ensuring that competence management is mapped effectively.
“We were delighted to work closely with the team at COMET; they were excellent in customer service and always presented innovative ideas. What they delivered with ‘Athena’ surpassed my expectations.
“I truly believe they have developed a market-leading digital solution. We appreciate the hard work and dedication that went into developing Athena by all parties.”

A recent survey findings from the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) highlighted that 28% of work hours are dedicated to repetitive and routine tasks, such as training. By focusing on automating these transactional activities in the coming years, we can create more opportunities for strategic pursuits.

Arrash Nekonam, Chief Technology Officer at COMET, added: “Jamie engaged with us at COMET to create a new compliance platform. With his experience in the field, he specified a novel process for personnel competency and compliance for specific disciplines to be created and tracked accordingly.
“The team worked with Jamie using our usual agile process to create and evaluate the product, which Jamie is now taking to the market, with an interest in making additional improvements.
“We’re delighted that Jamie found the engagement with COMET a refreshing, engaging, and resoundingly positive experience after experiencing poor outcomes with previous software development projects running over time, over budget, and ultimately not delivering what was sought. We are proud that he was particularly complimentary about the team and overall delivery performance.”

Namaka Compliance is actively collaborating with COMET to make adjustments and enhance'Athena'and its capabilities as part of ongoing dynamic software development efforts.