The Challenge

Stork wanted to develop a program customised for their managers and leaders, helping them maximise their potential and prepare for future opportunities within the company. They found existing programs too generic for their specific needs, which led them to contact COMET for support.

The Solution

COMET developed a tailored management academy programme, The Diamond Management Development Academy, to enhance strategic business understanding and skills.

The Results

- Delivery of relevant best practice learning in the context of Stork’s operations.
- Promotion of proactivity through actionable lists.
- Facilitation of collaborative learning by involving a diverse cross-section of staff in each cohort.

“Academy learning has helped myself and others who have been through the programme to develop a greater understanding of business functions outwith our area of expertise. It creates a lot of light bulb moments and helps to establish a greater appreciation and understanding of different business functions and how they can relate to what you do on a day-to-day basis. The programme goes a long way to helping experts in individual fields, adapt to a more all rounded business way of thinking.”
Daniel Stephen
Learning and Development Advisor, Stork

Stork, which operates in sectors including oil & gas, chemicals, metals & mining, food & pharmaceuticals, rail & infrastructure, power & manufacturing, identified the need to nurture their emerging business leaders. The goal was to maximise their potential and prepare them for new business opportunities with a development programme more relevant than generic offerings.

The creation of the bespoke Diamond Management Development Academy, built by COMET, allowed Stork to provide a focused program that delivered core skills and knowledge relevant to the company, ensuring that learning was applicable. Key topics included Business and Money, Managing Self and Others, Project and Change Management, and Values and Markets. The in-house format of the program allowed employees to participate without needing to take extended time away from work for external training.

Each module of the programme incorporated best practice scenarios and real-life context using actual company data. Participants concluded each module by creating a list of actionable items to implement in their roles, directly benefiting the organisation.

The Diamond Management Development Academy also fostered collaborative learning. By engaging a diverse group of employees from various departments, the programme ensured widespread sharing of best practices and helped participants appreciate and understand the importance of different business functions.