The Challenge
Inverroy Crisis Management, a company providing resilience solutions globally, identified a market need for customisable online business resilience plans. The existing plans, created by consultants or in collaboration with clients, often left clients without retained knowledge once the projects concluded. Inverroy sought a system enabling their clients to independently develop and retain their business resilience plans, avoiding the need for in-house developers.

The Solution
We developed Inverroy Digital, a user-friendly platform where clients generate resilience plans by answering a series of straightforward questions. These responses, supported by ISO references and helpful documents authored by Inverroy, are easily tracked through a dashboard. We designed an interactive UI/UX mockup with Figma, enabling Inverroy to showcase the platform to prospective clients during its development. This approach allowed for real-time adjustments based on client feedback, ensuring the final product aligned with Inverroy's vision. Our consultancy provided insights on optimal features, avoiding unnecessary complexity, and adapting the platform dynamically.

The Results
The completed Inverroy Digital platform empowers clients to create personalised online resilience plans. This tool, designed by Inverroy and realised with the help of COMET, comes with ongoing support for any potential issues and future enhancements. Inverroy quickly secured a major international client for the platform and has attracted interest from several others.